The GROW BIOINTENSIVE Method of horticulture, is a quiet, vitally alive art of organic gardening that links people with the whole universe—a universe in which each of us is an interwoven part of the whole. 
People find their place by relating and cooperating in harmony with the sun, air, rain, soil, moon, insects, plants, and animals rather than by attempting to dominate them. 
All of these elements will teach us their lessons, and do the gardening for us if we would only watch and listen.”
— John Jeavons
John w_veggies(Abundance)-Photo Credit Cynthia Raiser Jeavons.jpeg


The GROW BIOINTENSIVE Method is a culmination of 52 years of experience, research and development-- resulting in a truly sustainable mini-farming system that focuses on growing a complete diet on as little land as possible, while using the least amount of water and resources as possible.  By focusing on growing soil, then crops, GROW BIOINTENSIVE quickly replenishes top soil and organic matter, and creates a symbiotic relationship between plants , insects and microbes.  By fostering biodiversity and soil health, GROW BIOINTENSIVE can significantly increase yields, while using a fraction of the natural resources compared with conventional farming. 


Feeding the World

GROW BIOINTENSIVE mini-farming is being practiced and taught in over 152 countries around the world. 

Major Grow Biointensive education centres exist in the United-States, Africa, Russia, New Zealand, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Nicaragua, and now Canada - with 100’s of satellite projects - working together to teach sustainable food self reliance.

We believe small scale, localized mini-farming is the answer to malnutrition and starvation, not our current model of chemical mechanized mono-cropping.



GROW BIOINTENSIVE dedicates 60% of the growing area for Compost and Calorie Crops that produce a tremendous amount of dry biomass that nourishes the soil through composting, and a significant amount of calories to feed the farmer. 

30% of the area in special root crops that are the most efficient at producing very high amounts of calories per unit of area per unit of time, contributing most of our caloric needs for our diet. 

10% of the area in vegetable crops high in vitamins, minerals and amino acids that aren't present in the compost and calorie crops.  Part of this 10% can be dedicated towards income producing crops.

  This 60-30-10 rule allows GROW BIOINTENSIVE to produce a persons diet for an entire year, in the smallest area possible, while still remaining sustainable by growing enough compost material to give back more to the soil than we take.

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The 8 Principles

GROW BIOINTENSIVE Mini-Farming uses 8 core principles, which are the key to truly sustainable food raising.  By using each principle together, we can grow enough carbon for the compost pile, produce enough calories to feed ourselves, and create a micro-climate in our garden that encourages biodiversity and vitality.  If any single principle is overlooked, the system cannot be truly sustainable.