We’re working on the 2023 schedule!
Please check back often for updated calendar events!

Backyard Mini-Farm Workshop #1
Backyard Mini-Farm Step-by-step Series
Workshop #1
Join us for the first workshop of our exclusive backyard mini-farm series - a complete step-by-step journey creating a new Grow Biointensive urban mini-farm in Kimberley BC.
Workshop #1 covers the following topics:
Garden design (placement, orientation, sun-mapping, bed mapping)
Tools of the trade
Soil testing - importance, methodology and demonstration
Bed setup (staking and string guides) demonstration
Single digging demonstration
Introduction to sustainable diet design (60-30-10)
Seed starting/flatting demonstration
Walk-ins welcome, and if possible please register ahead of the workshop so we can better accommodate all participants.
All ages and experience levels welcome!
All workshops and courses are by donation.
Suggested donation: $25/person

Backyard Mini-Farm Workshop #2
Backyard Mini-Farm Step-by-step Series - Workshop #2
Join us for the second workshop of our exclusive backyard mini-farm series - a complete step-by-step journey creating a new Grow Biointensive urban mini-farm in Kimberley BC.
During this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to get their hands and feet dirty practicing double-digging, flatting and transplanting - so please bring digging footwear and gloves if you like!
Workshop #2 covers the following topics:
Double digging demonstration and skill building opportunity
Bed shaping demonstration
Soil test results discussion
Organic soil amendment application demonstration
Seed starting/flatting continued.
Transplanting demonstration and skill building opportunity
Watering technique and demonstration
All ages and experience levels welcome!
Workshops are by donation.
Suggested donation: $20/person
We appreciate your support!
Backyard Mini-Farm Initiative - Spring Workshop
Future Heirlooms Mini-Farm. - from hay field to mini-farm!
An exclusive workshop for participants of the Backyard Mini-Farm Initiative - a full day skill building workshop designed to empower you through demonstration and applied learning of critical Grow Biointensive techniques, skills and principles - to establish your own successful backyard mini-farm at home!
For more information on the Backyard Mini-Farm Initiative, click HERE.
Workshop Cancelled
Unfortunately we have not had enough registrations to run this workshop. We will look at rescheduling for September!
Want to learn how to grow all of your food (calories, vitamins and minerals) for all year, in the smallest area possible while using the least amount of natural resources? Do you want to get 600% higher yields using 66% less water? Grow Biointensive Mini-Farming has the answers!
Join us for a full day Grow Biointensive workshop - a skill building experience designed to demonstrate and teach sustainable Grow Biointensive techniques, skills and principles - to empower you to grow all of your own food at home - sustainably!
We’ll be teaching the 8 principles of sustainability that make closed loop farming possible; and is the foundation of all the techniques we use in the Grow Biointensive method.
Then we’ll discuss and demonstrate double digging, bed design, soil testing, texture vs structure and organic amendments to balance your soil, open-pollinated seeds and flatting, transplanting with hexagonal offset spacing, seed saving and grain processing, and how to build a compost pile that maximizes your compost yield!
There will be many opportunities for skill building throughout the workshop during demonstrations - try double digging, transplanting and more!
Admission is $50 per adult and $75 for a family any size
Workshop schedule:
8:00-12:00pm: Introductions - History of Grow Biointensive - The 8 principles of sustainability discussion - Bed prep demonstrations (soil structure, AWOMB, double digging, shaping, soil testing, soil texture, organic amendments) - Flatting (sowing seeds, water efficiency, master charts data, flat soil recipe, selection advantages, pricking out)
12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch Break
1:00pm-3:00pm: Transplanting(hexagonal spacing, living mulch) - Watering(mimic natural rainfall) - Seed Saving(open-pollinated seeds, breeding, isolation, selection) - Grain Threshing and Winnowing - Building GB compost(square compost piles with a specific ratio of carbon:nitrogen to maximize compost volume out)
Backyard Mini-Farm Initiative - Workshop #1
An exclusive workshop for participants of the Backyard Mini-Farm Initiative - a full day skill building workshop designed to empower you through demonstration and applied learning of critical Grow Biointensive techniques, skills and principles - to establish your own successful backyard mini-farm at home!
For more information on the Backyard Mini-Farm Initiative, click HERE.

Grow Biointensive Garden Tour
Join us for an educational tour at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.

Cancelled - A Seed's Journey
Join us for an educational workshop at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.

Grow Biointensive Garden Tour
Join us for an educational tour at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.

Diet Design - cancelled due to smoke!
Join us for an educational workshop at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.

Grow Biointensive Garden Tour
Join us for an educational tour at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.

Grow Biointensive Workshop - Open Pollinated Seeds, Seed Saving and Companion Planting
Join us for an educational workshop at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.

Grow Biointensive Garden Tour
Join us for an educational tour at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.

Grow Biointensive Garden Tour
Join us for an educational tour at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.

Grow Biointensive Workshop - Compost!
Join us for an educational workshop at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.

Grow Biointensive Garden Tour
Join us for an educational tour at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.

Grow Biointensive Workshop - Propagation, Plant Spacing, and Saving Water
Join us for an educational workshop at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.

Grow Biointensive Garden Tour
Join us for an educational tour at Future Heirlooms - a Grow Biointensive Research, Education and Demonstration mini-farm.