“Grow Hope, Wherever You Are.”
John Jeavons
Director of the non‐profit Ecology Action, author, educator, agricultural researcher and master farmer, John Jeavons has spent the last 45 years developing and teaching a truly sustainable closed‐system/complete‐diet, organic food‐and‐soil production model that can be used by people in any climate and soil where food is grown. His GROW BIOINTENSIVE Sustainable Mini‐Farming method is being used in 152 countries around the world, and enables small farmers to increase yields, build fertile soil up to 60x faster than nature, and use 66% less water per pound of food, compared with conventional practices. John believes that each person has the capacity to make a profound difference in the sustainability of our agriculture and through it, our world; and that if we each learn to take care of our part of the Earth – our garden – then we can change our situation from one of scarcity to abundance: of enough for everyone.