The Micro-climate Identification Initiative
Did you know that most gardens and mini-farms have a unique micro-climate? Sometimes even within the same town or city?
Over the last 5 years we have been closely monitoring our micro-climate, using our trusted SensorPush smart sensors. These ingenious data loggers record the temperature (and many other things) every minute of every day - 24/7 - 365. Using a very user friendly app, we can then review the data in seconds. Going from simple min/max thermometers to this has opened up an entire new world of information, critically relevant to growing crops and maintaining a healthy soil!
This project is designed to identify unique micro-climate and help guide local growers with accurate planting and frost dates.
How’s it work? We start by identifying unique micro-climates, and then deploy the temperature and humidity data logging sensors to 10 different identified micro-climates in the Kimberley area - followed by sharing of results in a comprehensive and highly accurate garden calendar - complete with frost dates and recommended planting dates for crops.
We’ll collect data for 5 years in order to establish a baseline, with intentions to continue this project in more locations over time and data log indefinitely!
In 2024 received a generous donation of sensors from SensorPush, and piloted this project to test our methodology.
We’ll share the results of the project as soon as possible!