Sharon grew up in rural Ontario Canada, surrounded by GMO mono-culture and feedlots, which seemed like the norm. She became very passionate about health and wellness after struggling with her own in her early 20's.
Through her training to become a yoga teacher and registered massage therapist, her level of understanding about how food nourishes our body and mind grew as well. She learned the benefits of eating an organic, plant based diet, and discovered there was a simple way to provide herself with a bounty of healthy food, GROW BIOINTENSIVE®.
She loves to have her hands in the dirt, observe seeds growing into plants and plants blossoming into flowers.
She loves cooking and preserving the gardens bounty, so her family has vegetables and fruits year round.
As a new mother, Sharon wants to provide only the best food for her Son Lincoln, and wants to show other moms how they too can provide healthy and organic food for their family, in a very small area!
She wants to encourage and empower more women to take back control of where their food comes from. To teach how to grow healthy organic foods in their own back yards, and teach children about soil and where their food comes from.